Static site generator
demindiro - 3 years ago (last modified 3 years ago)I use this script to generate my personal website ( It assumes you use Markdown files but it should be easy to adapt to other formats.
#!/usr/bin/env bash for file in `find . -name '*.md'`; do output=${file::-3}.html if [ -z "$REBUILD" ] && [ -e "../$output" ] && [ "../$output" -nt "$file" ] then echo "Skipping $file" continue fi mkdir -p ../$(dirname $output) echo Generating $output from $file title=$(sed -nr 's:^# (.*):\1:p' $file | head -n 1) if [ -z "$title" ] then title="Demindiro" fi cat << EOF > ../$output <!DOCTYPE html> <head> <title>$title</title> `cat head.html` </head> <body> `cat navigation.html` <main> `pandoc $file` </main> <footer> <span>The content on this page is licensed under the CC BY-ND 4.0</span> <a style="float:right" href="/md/$file">Source</a> </footer> </body> EOF done;
kifax11520 - 3 years ago |
A <body> followed by </menu>? What‘s up with that?
replyThat is a mistake. It seems I forgot to delete it with the rest of the <menu> element.
I used to have a <menu> there with some silly buttons but since all major browsers removed support by now I also removed it.